
玛丽时尚分享博客网 peaceloveshea.com

《玛丽时尚分享博客网 peaceloveshea.com》正文开始,本次阅读大概8分钟。

玛丽时尚分享博客网是美国加利福尼亚的一位时尚专家、主持人、造型设计师、好莱坞时尚顾问,通过自己的博客来分享生活中有关于时尚、美容、健康与旅行的经验心得。I found these photos online from outside the Missoni show during Milan Fashion Week of my friend (and major fashion stylist) Manos and I, and also a group photo of all my fav Italian friends. I love the candidness of the photos and the happiness that is captured.I never was able to shoot outfit photos from this day because my schedule was so hectic so wanted to share these. The skirt you cant see the bottom but its a flared midi skirt and I was wearing it with sneakers. I really hope to find a picture of the whole outfit!!!

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本文标题:玛丽时尚分享博客网 peaceloveshea.com