
葡萄酒评论品鉴网 awinestory.com

《葡萄酒评论品鉴网 awinestory.com》正文开始,本次阅读大概4分钟。

葡萄酒评论品鉴网是一个由Marisa DVari女士创办的有关于一个葡萄酒的葡萄酒评论网站,详细的阐述了有关于葡萄酒的渊源、历史等。Lets make wine fun approachable! says Marisa DVari, luxury travel and fine wine writer, just now honored to be one of just two international wine writers invited to join the jury of Vinitalys 20th International Wine Competition.She is also the proud recipient of the 2011 Fine Rare Wine Specialist Program bursary (a joint effort by the Austrian Wine Academy, continental Europes largest wine-school, and Hotel Residenz Palais Coburg), and the 2010 AXA Millsimes Scholarship. Both are directly affiliated with her studies for the Master of Wine program, a premium credential which only 29 Americans hold.DVari is also a judge for the International Wine and Spirits Competition (IWSC) in both London and the Napa Valley, and the International Wine Challenge (IWC) in London.She is program co-chair for the American Wine Media Guild and a member of the prestigious international Circle of Wine Writers.DVari writes about wine for several publications, including Londons FT, Decanter, Robb Report, Quarterly Review of Wine, the San Francisco Chronicle, Food Arts, Drinks Business, South China Morning Post, Sante, and many more in addition to being Wine Spirits Editor for Taste Cincinnati magazine. She is the publisher of AWineStory.com in addition to syndicating her weekly column to a variety of newspapers, magazi

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本文标题:葡萄酒评论品鉴网 awinestory.com