





钓D汩G蜷J缘Y钓 D(iao)汩 G(u)蜷 J(uan)缘 Y(uan)
不明白啊 = =!


Wacky钓组如何使用?一起来学学吧! 00:00 / 12:0870% 快捷键说明 空格: 播放 / 暂停Esc: 退出全屏 ↑: 音量提高10% ↓: 音量降低10% →: 单次快进5秒 ←: 单次快退5秒按住此处可拖拽 不再出现 可在播放器设置中重新打开小窗播放快捷键说明




本人生活在福建漳州,路亚已经玩了6年左右,主要做钓的鱼类有鲈鱼、黑鱼、翘嘴等。对于路亚鲈鱼有几个个人见解,希望对您有所帮助。第一:鲈鱼属于回游型鱼类,海里、淡咸水入海口、江里都会出现。攻击性较强,有追逐小鱼的习性,所以拟饵尽量选择反光度、体块较大的进行做钓,记得收线速度要尽量加快带点抽饵动作。第二:鲈鱼觅食水层较为靠上层,选择浮水型的拟饵会事半功倍。第三:鲈鱼在上钩之后会有洗腮的情况发生,建议新手选择带有两个以上的三本钩拟饵进行做钓,且带有倒刺。综上所述,适合鲈鱼的拟饵总类有:水面系铅笔、浮水米诺、铁板、vib、亮片等。大部分路亚饵是不用调整的,主要是手法!钓无定法,饵是死的,人是活的,但是每一个死饵在人的操作下他就会变得活灵活现,下面我就给你说说饵的选择及使用吧。1你可以根据你想要钓的鱼去正对性的选择假饵。例如:你想钓桂鱼你可以选择软饵卷尾蛆,+铅头钩,铅头钩根据水的深浅以及水留去选择。第二种选择,潜水米诺,米诺你可以根据水的深浅去决定选择米诺潜水的深度,两种钓鳜鱼的饵继续网下看有详图。2你想钓江河里的感鱼,你可以选择波爬或者米诺,这两种饵的操作以及选择,感鱼活性高,水面追捉饵鱼,你可以直接用波爬,抛投至炸水的前方,迅速抽动波爬,抽波爬的效果要像猎物在水表迅速逃离,波爬在你的抽动下就会撞出水花跟水波纹跟,这种声音都鱼有致命的诱惑。米诺的操作手法,可以抽抽停停,迅速收线,做成鱼儿在水里逃窜的动作刺激鱼的咬口。继续往下看图解3你若想钓翘嘴你可以选择米诺,也可以选择亮片,我建议米诺比亮片损失少,米诺钓翘嘴泳层固定基本不会挂底,经济又实用,你只要找到鱼群,米诺抛过去迅速搜索加点小抽,或者是继续抽抽停停的手法,做成受伤的小鱼或者逃窜的小鱼就可以了。 饵的选择以及操作手法描述完了 ,总结!具体的操作看钓鱼人的手法,每种饵都有他的用途,每个季节都是可是使用的,只是要根据鱼情去决定饵在季节中的使用。记住钓鱼一定要法灵活运用…


eccentric adj. 古怪的,反常的 n. 古怪的人 wacky● adj.古怪的,疯癫的


一般来说,我们在作钓鲈鱼的时候会用到维基钓组,只需要我们确定标点,将钓组下沉到一定的水层,通过竿尖的微微抖动,让软饵在水中呈现自然地蠕动泳形即可。扩展资料:维基钓组(wacky rig)鲜明的个性就是FINESSE钓组的特性,能够让新手很容易就钓得到鱼,基本上是以鱼钩直接置于WACKY WORM(面条虫)的中段部位,不需要加上任何配重即可投送出去,(个别带配重的Wacky钩是为增加作钓效率而设计的,到底选择多大配重的Wacky钩由当时标点的水深以及鱼情的好坏来决定)。


歌词: smelly cat phoebe buffay smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you? smelly cat, smelly cat it′s not your fault they won′t take you to the vet you′re obviously not their favorite pet smelly cat, smelly cat, it′s not your fault you may not be a bed of roses you′re not friend to those with noses i′ll miss you before we′re done or the world will smell as one smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you? smelly cat, smelly cat it′s not your fault (phoebe) oh are we done? one, two, what′s that smell? smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you? smelly cat, smelly cat you′re getting fat i think that i′m gonna be sick it′s your ears, and nose and pick part of it, tempt me one, two, what′s that smell? all the dogs in the neighborhood are saying this for your own good what, you′re fat, so you can′t run no fun, i bet, no fun smelly cat, smelly cat, porno makes you eat like that i saw you in the shopping mall smelly cat, smelly cat, it′s not your fault, smelly cat, smelly cat, it′s not your fault smelly cat, smelly cat, it′s not your fault we know what was in your food they say it might affect your mood you smell like something dead (3x) one, two, what′s that smell? (phoebe)yeah, that′s not the song 歌词大意为: 臭臭猫啊臭臭猫 他们都喂了你些啥? 臭臭猫啊臭臭猫 这也不能怪你 只怪他们不会带你去看兽医 而你也不是他们宠爱的猫咪 你不会快乐 因为对于那些有鼻子的人来说 你都不会成为他们的朋友
After watching the first season again, I realized just how good the show was right off the bat. “Friends” hit the ground running, and thats why each episode from Season 1 seems so familiar--they made strong impressions upon first viewing. The characters are so well-written that they have distinct personalities despite the limitations of having six main characters in a half-hour show. During the first year of “Friends,” Rachel Greene (Jennifer Aniston, a.k.a. Mrs. Brad Pitt) leaves her fiancé at the altar and decides to move in with Monica Geller (Courtney Cox Arquette), one of her high school buddies. Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry) and Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc) live across the hall. Ross Geller (David Schwimmer), Monicas older brother and Chandlers high school buddy, lives nearby. Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) is the sixth member of the gang that hangs out at Central Perk, a coffee house. Neither Rachel nor Monica has gotten a famous haircut yet, and Chandler and Joey actually have floppy tops leftover from the 1980s. Ross is about to become a dad courtesy of his ex-wife Carol, now living with her lesbian “life partner.” Season 1 is also when Ross becomes Marcel the Monkeys owner. The fact that the characters are still in the process of maturing remains the shows strongest charm. In Season 1, the members of the sextet are all in their mid-20s, but theyre just starting to figure out what they want to do with their lives. Rachel is trying to hold a job for the first time in her life. Chandler faces the realization that his skills as a number-cruncher may preclude him from accomplishing something “great,” while Monica is on the cusp of realizing her dreams of becoming a famed chef. Viewers get to laugh at, and laugh with, the characters as the gang of six stumbles its way to delayed adulthood. One of the things that I like about show is that the viewer is thrown right into the middle of the action from the beginning. “The Pilot” begins with five of the friends sitting around chatting about their lives. Then, Rachel comes running into Central Perk, and the cast is complete. As the show progresses, flashbacks reveal that the characters share much history. These flashbacks and the characters verbal musings about their collective pasts create a rich “completeness” absent from shows that begin “at the beginning.” I really enjoy the performances by the cast members, but I also really detest Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe). I like wacky stuff that dimensionalizes or humanizes a fictional creation, but Kudrows character is wacky for the sake of being wacky. The other five characters often act with chagrin when they realize that theyve done something silly, but Phoebe is so oblivious to reality that she elicits groans rather than laughs from me. I know that theres little chance of getting rid of her for the shows 9th and final season, but miracles do happen, right?
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