《英国大学-在苏格兰的学术卓越-家庭- stir.ac.uk》正文开始,本次阅读大概6分钟。
提供长达年和城堡设置夏季ESL课程。Offering year long and summer ESL courses in a castle setting.内容提要: Stirling is Scotland’s best performing university at Rio Olympics As the University of Stirling’s four Olympic swimmers were applauded back to campus ...斯特灵是苏格兰表现Zhui好的大学,在里约奥运会上,斯特林大学的四个奥运游泳选手都被掌声喝彩...英国大学-在苏格兰的学术卓越-家庭-UK Universities - Academic Excellence in Scotland – Home – ...
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